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Heating Costs: 1.8 USD per Square Meter/Heating Season

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Project name: Air Source Heat Pump Heating Renovation Project in a Middle School in Dingxi City, Gansu Province.

Heating area: 16376m²; coal-fired boilers were used for heating. 16 pcs of BANDON ultra-low temperature inverter air source heat pump units were selected.

Project background: In recent years, under the continuous promotion of the northern coal-to-electricity policy, local governments have responded one after another, following the tide of the times, replacing the previous coal-fired boiler heating with BANDON inverter air source units for heating. Using air source units for heating has now become the norm for new energy heating in the north, among which BANDON inverter air source units are deeply loved by northern customers.

Project pain points: The local temperature difference between day and night is extremely large. During the winter heating period, the lowest temperature can reach -30℃; the campus buildings are relatively scattered. Because the internal main network is distributed in a large area and the pipeline system is relatively thin, the original heating system pipelines have been partially renovated.

Energy-saving effect of the project: "Burning coal is not as good as air source"
In the heating season after the transformation, from November 15 to March 15 of the following year, for 4 months (the school is heated normally during the winter vacation),
the entire project consumes 425198KW·h in winter operation. According to the electricity price of 0.07 USD/KW·h, the operating cost is 1.8 USD/heating season,
the indoor temperature is around 22℃.

The heating equipment still operates stably under severe cold conditions, ensuring a comfortable living environment for teachers and students in the school, warming the body and heart.

Not only that, the relevant person in charge of the school said: Compared with coal-fired heating, the heating cost is greatly reduced after using the BANDON inverter air source unit for heating, and there is no need to manually dig coal and ash. It really saves money, worry-free and is environmentally friendly, achieving a win-win situation.