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BANDON 98 Heat Pumps Help 636,000 Square Meters of Heating Station Renovation

As the challenges of global climate change intensify, the widespread use of clean energy has become an important driving force for social progress and sustainable development. Many heating stations actively embrace the concept of green development, gradually phase out traditional high-energy-consuming electric boilers and coal boilers, and instead adopt efficient and environmentally friendly air energy heat pump systems.

As a leading brand in the industry, BANDON is actively involved in the upgrading and transformation of heating systems and is committed to transforming traditional heating methods into more environmentally friendly and energy-saving air energy heating solutions. In Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, BANDON carefully implemented the renovation project of two large-scale heating stations, which not only greatly improved heating efficiency and significantly reduced energy consumption, but also demonstrated outstanding results in reducing environmental pollution and promoting regional sustainable development. This landmark project not only sets a benchmark for BANDON in the heating field in Hebei, but also provides valuable experience and model for the green transformation of the heating industry.

1. Project Overview

· Comprehensive Green Transformation: 636,000 Square Meters, 2 Large Heating Stations

The project is located in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, which has a temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. Spring is dry and windy, summer is hot and rainy, autumn is moderately cold and warm, and winter is cold and long. The average temperature in winter is -10℃, and the temperature in extreme weather can reach -30℃, making heating very difficult. The average annual precipitation is 330~400 mm, the frost-free period is 130 days throughout the year, and the freezing period is 5 months, which lasts for a long time.

The project is two large heating stations in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou, with a total heating area of 636,000 square meters. The service scope is wide, covering residential areas, shops, office buildings, factories and other facilities, providing residents with winter heating solutions. The heating terminals are radiators and floor heating to meet the needs of different facilities and ensure that residents can enjoy a warm and comfortable living environment in winter.

2. Transformation Background

· Green Transformation of Heating Stations: Driven by the BOT Model

The project used to use a traditional boiler system as a heating method. The huge pipe network system spanned more than ten kilometers, which not only resulted in significant energy consumption but also high operating costs.

In order to actively respond to the call of the policy, strengthen the introduction of advanced energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, and steadily promote the widespread application of clean energy, the operator decided to carry out comprehensive and in-depth energy-saving transformation and upgrading of the two heating stations, to take practical actions to support the development of clean energy, reduce energy consumption, and improve operational efficiency.

After in-depth market research and comprehensive evaluation, the operator decided to use BANDON heat pumps for the renovation. The project adopts the BOT operation and trusteeship form, achieves efficient operation indicators through refined management, and overcomes various complex and unfavorable heating conditions to ensure the safety and stability of the heating process.

3. Equipment Selection

· Heating Capacity: 98 Heat Pump Units, High-efficiency Central Heating

After in-depth research, the operator and BANDON selected 98 pcs of 55 HP ultra-low temperature high-power commercial inverter heat pump units for the two heating stations. They are equipped with advanced large-displacement inverter scroll direct injection technology to ensure that they can operate in the extreme environment of -35°C. It can still provide stable and efficient heat energy output, significantly improving the energy-saving performance of the heating station.

4. Challenges and Solutions

· Efficient Integration of Old Buildings and Complex Systems

Faced with the dual challenges of insufficient insulation performance of low-rise old buildings in the service area of the heating station and the complexity of the heating system terminal, BANDON has achieved perfect compatibility between the old and new systems through refined design. The use of cascade heating not only ensures the efficient operation of the system, but also greatly reduces the cost of transformation.

BANDON optimized the equipment layout, added an air duct system to the units, improved the heat dissipation effect, and combined with the original radiators and floor heating equipment. It not only reduced the equipment investment cost, but also achieved remarkable results in energy conservation and emission reduction, reflecting the positive role of heating stations in the green transformation.

· Noise Control and Residents’ Comfort

During the equipment installation process, BANDON paid special attention to noise control, using noise reduction screens and special shock absorbers. The BANDON 55HP ultra-low temperature high-power commercial variable frequency heat pump uses a DC variable frequency EC fan to achieve extremely low noise (58 decibels) under low-frequency operation. By implementing a time-sharing frequency control strategy, the night noise is reduced by 50%, effectively protecting the living environment of residents.

5. Operation

· Multi-mode Intelligent Adjustment: Low Frequency and High COP Operation

After the construction and commissioning work of the BANDON team, the two large-scale heating station renovation projects have been successfully completed and put into use in 2023.

The BANDON variable frequency heat pump system is designed with three operating modes: high, medium and low frequency. It will automatically switch modes according to parameters such as ambient temperature and inlet and outlet water temperature to ensure heating efficiency and speed; considering the comfort experience of users at night, the system will be adjusted to medium frequency operation, which not only ensures warmth but also reduces noise; in daily use, low frequency and high COP operation are adopted, which not only ensures heating safety but also saves energy consumption to a great extent. Especially in the rare extremely cold weather in the winter of 2023, the BANDON ultra-low temperature air energy variable frequency heat pump can still maintain efficient heating output, showing excellent performance and stability.

6. Customer Testimonials

Party A Praises: Environmental Protection, Energy Saving, Stable and Reliable

In the first heating season after the renovation of the two heating stations, the BANDON air energy variable frequency heat pump system showed excellent performance and stability, providing warm and comfortable solutions for surrounding living quarters and offices, and the heating cost was also reduced. It has been significantly reduced and won unanimous praise from residents and operators.

Environmental protection and energy saving: BANDON air source heat pump heating does not require burning coal or consuming large amounts of electricity, thus achieving zero emissions and high efficiency and energy saving, which not only helps reduce environmental pollution, but also reduces heating costs.

Stable and reliable: The BANDON air source heat pump system has an automatic control function, which can automatically adjust the heating operation mode according to the indoor temperature and adapt to different weather temperature changes. At the same time, the efficient and stable operating characteristics of Bangton air energy also ensure the comfort and reliability of heating.