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Interview with Qi Dawei, General Manager of Qida New Energy

In 2022, Qi Dawei came up with the idea of opening up a new battlefield. Although Qi Dawei has been in the boiler industry for many years, he found that with the national trend of energy conservation and emission reduction, the future profit space of the boiler industry is very limited. At the same time, in the process of selling boiler products, customers are constantly asking for more comfortable and energy-saving heating, which has further strengthened Qi Dawei's determination to get involved in the heat pump field. "Instead of purchasing from suppliers, it is better to do it yourself." Qi Dawei said in an interview.

When asked why he chose to cooperate with BANDON, Qi Dawei said: "At that time, many brands wanted to cooperate with us. There was not much difference between the brands in terms of profit level and policy support."

However, he finally chose BANDON. One reason was that BANODN's core team was composed of top senior R&D engineers from the fields of inverter scroll compressor technology, system electronic control technology, heat pump heating technology, etc., and they had a deep accumulation in the research and development and application of heat pump DC inverter energy-saving technology, which made him realize BANDON's high growth, foresight and trend prediction. At present, inverter technology will become an important direction for future industrial upgrading, and BANDON has been deeply involved in the field of this technology for many years and is expected to lead the future air source market.

But what really made him determined was the vision, pattern, vision, clear and firm strategic development plan, sincere attitude and pragmatic actions shown by BANDON's investment manager and brand senior management.

Qi Dawei believes that the communication between him and BANDON is just like the communication between him and his customers, which is real, sincere and not exaggerated. For Qi Dawei, it is more important to develop a career with potential, growth-oriented and like-minded partners.

After two years of cooperation, it has been proved that they have not let each other down. For BANDON, the channel dealer has made the influence of the BANDON brand in Jilin increasingly stronger with its high-quality and high-level service capabilities. For Qi Dawei, being an agent for BANDON is not only an income, but also a long-term career.

Looking back at 2023, whether from the perspective of sales, after-sales, or installation, Qidawei's performance in the market can be regarded as satisfactory. In Baishan City, Jilin, the Qidawei team has installed more than 100 household units a year, covering heating, hot water and other fields from household to commercial use, and has an excellent reputation.

However, how can it be so easy to enter a new industry? There are many difficulties, and the first one is the problem of sales.

Service is the breakthrough point chosen by the Qi Dawei team to develop the Baishan heat pump market.

"There are customer acquisition methods and service standards. Rely on service to increase customer stickiness and use service to endorse your own business. Over time, more and more users will recognize you and be attracted by your reliability, and business will naturally flow to you continuously." Qi Dawei regards service as a valuable asset, and believes that it can attract and retain customers by contacting users through scientific and systematic methods and providing high-quality services.

"Old users will think of us first when renovating old houses and upgrading equipment, and even their relatives and friends who have similar needs will actively recommend us. " Qi Dawei said proudly.

In order to ensure the continuous improvement of service quality and customer satisfaction, Qi Dawei has also formulated systematic service standards and assessment standards for business managers and after-sales service personnel. Through standardized service processes and strict service assessments, the team can provide customers with professional and efficient services.

Qi Dawei has won a place in the competition in the same city, not only relying on its meticulous service. In fact, in-depth research on heating systems and unique innovative designs in installation and construction are also indispensable. In particular, he cleverly added a temperature control device at the end of the heating system to make room temperature adjustment smarter and more accurate.

It is more important to focus on quality, installation, and service than to grab low prices.

The rapid development of urbanization has greatly accelerated the iteration of equipment in residential products, and consumers' concepts are also advancing with the times. From the original simple indoor temperature, it has been refined to multiple comprehensive indicators such as indoor temperature and humidity, fresh air volume, sound environment, and pollutant concentration. Therefore, heat pump heating has attracted more and more attention from consumers.

Qi Dawei emphasized that the Northeast heat pump market still has huge potential. Most of Liaoning and Jilin are suitable for air energy heating, and as long as the equipment is professionally constructed and installed, it will be recognized by users. He predicted that in 2024, the sales of the heat pump industry in the entire Northeast will increase by 30%-50% year-on-year. Although optimistic about the overall development of the Northeast, he bluntly pointed out the problems in the current market-low price pressure is common.

Qida New Energy has been deeply involved in the Baishan market for many years. With its refined services and emphasis on the customer experience throughout the life cycle, it has won wide recognition from users. Qi Dawei believes that in the future, we must continue to tell the brand story of Bonton Air Energy, innovate marketing, and upgrade user experience. These three aspects are the core of the long-term development of the channel.

At the same time, he also mentioned two expectations for 2024: one is to expect the continued growth of customer retention and gain more recognition and reputation from customers; the other is to hope that through the cooperation of the team, we can deepen the development of Baishan City and Tonghua City and double the annual sales. As he said, only by walking steadily can we go far.