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Exclusive Interview with General Manager of Market America Lifestyle and Comfort Home

With the country's advocacy and policy guidance for clean heating, and people's yearning for a comfortable life, air source heat pump has emerged in the Northeast as the main equipment for clean heating transformation. However, end users have mixed reviews of its performance.

In order to explore this controversial phenomenon, Jieyuan Media talked to Ms. Zhang Luwen, general manager of Market America Lifestyle and Comfortable Home, a gold medal channel distributor of BANDON, to share her unique insights into the application of air source heat pump in Northeast China and how to become a leader and leader in the regional market. The secret of channel brand pole representative.

1. Must Use and Persist in Using New Media

Zhang Luwen, known as "Sister Dawen" in the industry, has been deeply involved in the HVAC industry for nearly 20 years and is a talkative and real doer. Although she is a veteran among HVAC channel dealers, during the on-site interview, she still maintained the same sincerity and professional attitude that she has been doing personally for more than ten years and is consistent with the store's front-line sales team.

As a pioneer in short video operations in the industry, in order to ensure stable content output, Zhang Luwen carefully writes 5 to 10 high-quality video manuscripts every day and records them in his spare time, maintaining at least 5 days of video inventory. Through short video content such as sample case display, product selling points, product selection and installation and pitfall avoidance knowledge, we can effectively convert offline customers and intended fans from public domain traffic to private domain marketing communities.

"The two key points of short video operation are persistence and authenticity," she said. When characters appear in the camera, viewers can understand your temperament and the authenticity of your words through the video, build trust, and increase conversion and transaction rates.

Changes in consumption patterns have led to changes in traffic entrances. New media marketing can indeed help terminal stores attract traffic and increase sales. Zhang Luwen said that air source heat pump is a commodity with very obvious localized transaction characteristics. The consultation information through short videos is mixed, and maybe half of them are from other places. For those projects with high trust and large scale, they will go all out to promote them, while the rest will connect with manufacturers to ensure that they can get timely and professional solutions.

The current trend of short video bonus period is significant, and matrix self-broadcasting has become a trend. Enterprises must seize the opportunity as soon as possible and transition from the marketing 1.0 stage of "taking basic data such as fans and leads as marketing goals" to "taking basic data such as fans and leads as marketing goals". The core goal of back-link marketing is the in-depth operation of fans and efficient conversion of leads." The marketing 2.0 stage.

With the help of the short video platform, the business territory of Mei'an Life Home·Comfortable Home has also expanded from point to surface to a wider area. The project types are no longer limited to traditional comfortable mansions and villas, but have expanded to suburban coal-to-electricity, central heating renovation, Commercial office buildings, high-ceiling factories, hotel bathing and hotel hot water and other fields.

Prolonged output of opinions, especially on hot topics or controversial issues, will inevitably arouse different voices. Zhang Luwen explained that neither individuals nor companies can please everyone. They are more concerned about end users and provide users with better air source heat pump science information from a professional perspective to prevent them from being deceived. Concentrate on your own career. If you run slowly, your ears will be full of gossip; if you run fast, there will be only the sound of wind in your ears, and you will be able to see the direction of the wind.

2. Choose Carefully a Reliable Brand

Having been in the industry for nearly twenty years, from Xinfeng Water Purification to BANDON’s general agent in Jilin and Changchun, Zhang Luwen has not only seen the broad prospects of the industry, experienced magnificent ups and downs, but also realized the importance of professionalism and learning. With the help of Professionalism and high-quality reputation have won the favor of many customers.

The heart can be warm, but the head should be cold. Zhang Luwen came into contact with BANDON by chance. She only purchased one 6HP air source heat pump and conducted a winter operation test in a 95-square-meter house in the suburbs of Changchun City. She firmly believes that only products that have stood the test of time are worth promoting.

In fact, this is not the first attempt. At the beginning of her involvement in the field of air source heat pump, she used three pcs of 8HP air source heat pump units of a certain brand to test a 605-square-meter single-family experience hall. The heating in winter was about 3 USD per square meter. Excellent product performance is one of the key points for her brand agency.

No matter how the market changes, users’ choices will ultimately fall on products and services. Product competitiveness is a powerful weapon for channel vendors to occupy the local market. BANDON has deep experience in the research and development and application of heat pump DC inverter energy-saving technologies, its superiority in software and hardware such as solid material selection and high-quality control logic, the industry's top quality control system, and its team's efficient execution and dedication. Spirit is an important reason why BANDON was recognized by Zhang Luwen. She further emphasized that in an era when everyone wants to make quick money, BANDON's ability to focus on making products and doing practical things is commendable and trustworthy.

High-quality BANDON products combined with refined design and installation can cope with the severe cold winter in Jilin area with ease. Zhang Luwen said frankly that a high-quality air source system is a durable product that should have a service life of 10-20 years. It is more important to focus on quality, installation, and service than to grab the lowest price.

After-sales service is an important window to demonstrate the business quality and work attitude of an enterprise or team. Zhang Luwen divides it into active and passive services. Active service means actively asking and returning visits to the operation status of the equipment before and after the equipment is started in summer and winter every year, or checking and adjusting user data settings through the BANDON Cloud Service background. Passive service means that users actively report equipment operation failures and resolve them within 24 hours. To date, equipment problems encountered have been primarily due to improper operation rather than issues with product quality.

3. Face Challenges and Seize Opportunities, and Adhere to the Thought of Users

The right time, right place and people are indispensable factors for success. Zhang Luwen made an in-depth analysis and believed that the right time and right place lie in trends and geographical location. National policy orientation and advocacy of clean heating are on the one hand. On the other hand, the people's actual demand for clean heating cannot be ignored, and the fluctuation of coal prices in the external market has also played a role in promoting the overall market. People and people are the joint force between BANDON team and channel dealers.

The market potential of heat pumps in Northeast China is still huge. Leaving aside the Heilongjiang region, most areas in Liaoning and Jilin are suitable for air source heating, and as long as the equipment has been professionally constructed and installed, it will be recognized by users. Zhang Luwen pointed out that in Heilongjiang and its northern regions where the climate is more severe, as the temperature drops sharply, the air source efficiency ratio also drops. If the air source technology itself cannot achieve a breakthrough for the time being, adopting "air source +" coupled heating based on local conditions may be a better option.

"Air source heating is not separate, but a systematic project. Manufacturers need to listen to the needs of end users." Zhang Luwen said that heat pump companies should completely break down the integration of production, marketing and research, and let R&D engineers bring their own "translators." It can directly read the user's language, understand what the user is thinking, and define products according to user needs from the starting point, without the need for marketing personnel to "translate" in the middle.

In her view, channel providers must improve peripheral resource utilization and service capabilities, enhance user stickiness, strengthen product diversification, adapt to current changes in traffic entrances, and strengthen new media capabilities. Quite unexpected but reasonable, Zhang Luwen suggested that those who have not entered the market should wait and see for the time being, keep their eyes open, examine brands, evaluate products, invest 80% of their time in learning, and once they make a choice, go all out to do it.

Regarding the future, Zhang Luwen is full of confidence in the overall development of BANDON and will continue to cooperate with BANDON in depth. Through online + offline dual-wheel drive, we will create an operating system of sky network + ground network + human network to provide users with higher-quality air source heat pump products and improved scenario-based solutions, we will give full play to our competitive advantages to actively respond to future market changes.