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Exclusive Interview with Yang Yinghui, Chairman of Zhongtai New Energy

At present, the heat pump industry has a changing environment and diverse brands. How to gain a firm foothold and seek development in the fierce market competition is a problem that many companies and channel partners are facing. And BANDON can have such a gold medal partner who is practical and capable in doing things, can be as sharp as a knife in time, and seek changes in stability. He is Yang Yinghui, chairman of Hebei Zhongtai New Energy Co., Ltd.

As a true activist and doer, 15 years of hard work and accumulation in the HVAC industry, step by step deep penetration and practice, have allowed him to accumulate a lot of industry experience. We had the pleasure of interviewing this enthusiastic and sharing industry veteran.

In 2009, Yang Yinghui entered the HVAC industry. He was well-known in the industry but had yet to make any breakthroughs in products such as air source heat pumps. This situation was not gradually broken until the emergence of Guo Zhijian, the chairman of BANDON.

Guo Zhijian's visit to Yang Yinghui was just to establish cooperation. He never expected that the two sides would talk more and more about air source heat pumps. In 2014, Yang Yinghui sensed the blue ocean market of heat pumps with his keen sense of smell, and turned to air source heat pump products. The two parties also maintained a certain amount of cooperation.

As a practitioner in the HVAC industry, Yang Yinghui’s understanding of BANDON is that the brand does not have a good reputation, but it has a strong technical foundation. The core members and co-founders of BANDON team are all from the technology centers of Fortune 500 foreign-funded enterprises such as Hitachi and Panasonic. They are among the earliest people in China to master and apply DC inverter control technology and system matching technology. But what really prompted Yang Yinghui to choose BANDON was the convergence of the two parties' concepts: to delve deeply into the market and win with quality and service.

Facts have proved that Yang Yinghui’s choice was not wrong. In today's era when the air source market is relatively "volumey", BANDON is one of his "sharp tools" for exploring the northern heat pump market.

BANDON focuses on the research and development of inverter technology and the production of corresponding products. In 2017, it took the lead in developing and launching the first-generation commercial inverter 38HP heat pump unit. Zhongtai is the promoter of BANDON’s first batch of commercial inverter units, and has successively established a large number of classic cases across the country, especially in the northern region.

After acting as an agent for BANDON, since Zhongtai's engineering projects were its main business, it had to face a very thorny problem - at that time, BANDON's brand was weak and product promotion was difficult.

The same is true in practice. The "unremarkable" BANDON air source brand and products failed to gain recognition from the project side at that time. An eye-catching example is a school heating project. Due to the relatively large heating area, BANDON inverter air source heat pumps were used in part. The project leaders at that time gave a negative initial impression based on the appearance alone.

Because the pipes in this project are thin and the water flow is small, other brands of equipment operate unstable and even fail to start normally. BANDON heat pump can be adjusted through inverter technology. Not only does the equipment operate stably and achieve the expected results, but also makes the project leaders have a great change in BANDON's brand and products. They can't help but sigh, "Inverter is better. We will have to use inverter in the future.”

It is through the accumulation and precipitation of project cases that Yang Yinghui and Zhongtai have a basic foundation.

In the future, BANDON will focus on product planning, channel planning, marketing promotion and service support, and is committed to building a community of channel interests and promoting the implementation of BANDON in all channels in Hebei.

As Yang Yinghui has always emphasized, changes are always present, and thinking must keep up with changes and continuously optimize, dare to try, keep trying, and not be afraid of making mistakes. After all, the market is still in the development stage, and there is still time.

As the saying goes, “both complement each other and cannot exist without the other.” Over the years, Zhongtai and BANDON have maintained close communication. People from both parties exchange information and discuss how to solve market needs, sales difficulties and store pain points. Yang Yinghui will feed back channel and product opinions to BANDON. He feels that all opinions can be given timely feedback from BANDON. Channel and brand opinions are valued.

Complacency with the status quo will eventually lead to elimination. Only by thinking about changes can we succeed. This applies not only to Zhongtai, but also to BANDON.

Over the years, BANDON has also been continuously launching new air source heat pump products. Due to functional innovation, performance upgrades and increased brand awareness, Yang Yinghui quickly entered the "honeymoon period" in the air source market. Yang Yinghui not only greatly expanded his categories, but also increased the size of his team, made corresponding plans in terms of service, after-sales, and technology, and quickly increased his market share.

Regarding the future, Yang Yinghui is full of confidence in the overall development of BANDOn, and will continue to carry out in-depth cooperation with BANDON, develop diversified sales channels, let professional people do professional things, innovate services, refine services, and continuously Improve the level of the team and give full play to its competitive advantages to actively respond to future market changes.