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BANDON 2024 Liaoning Province Channel Partner Franchise Summit Concluded Successfully

On May 15, BANDON’s 2024 Liaoning Province Channel Partner Franchise Summit was held. BANDON Channel Director Song Yuqiang, Marketing Promotion Department Manager Tian Daogang, New Media Operations Lecturer Huang Xiaoxue, Technical Service Department Engineer Liu Ya, Liaoning Provincial District Manager Wang Bing and other leaders gathered together with Liaoning channel business elites to discuss the status quo of industry development, from channels to products. The layout, marketing model, enabling policies, etc. have been upgraded in an all-round way, and multi-dimensional measures have been used to help channel dealers quickly expand the market.

In his speech, Song Yuqiang, channel director of BANDON, first expressed his heartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all the channel dealers and company colleagues present. It is with your joint efforts that BANDON can maintain a sustained, steady and healthy development trend.

He emphasized that BANDON and its channel partners should build an impenetrable professional wall, accumulate strength, expand channels, grab share, promote growth, and continue to promote BANDON's in-depth development.

Terminal channels have become a definite trend in the industry. This is not only a competition between brands, but also a comprehensive competition of multi-dimensional hard and soft power such as product innovation, supply chain capabilities, R&D and manufacturing.

As Tian Daogang, manager of BANDON's market promotion department, said, BANDON will pool its 26 years of inverter technology heritage, 2 major production bases, 8 major channel system assistance, multiple service guarantees and other brand and terminal resources to take root in channels, seize opportunities, and achieve better results. With a steady posture and more powerful measures, we have formed a "double base + channel dealer + store" empowerment model from point to point to capture orders, increase traffic, and increase sales at once, achieving optimal allocation of resources and effective market coverage, helping terminals embrace the new situation.

Forging ahead with determination and breaking through, BANDON is deeply involved in the Liaoning channel market and its steps are inseparable from the strategic policy of the headquarters and the determined efforts of its channel partners. This summit awarded the Engineering Excellence Award, the Market Intensive Development Award, and the Brand Co-building Award, and crowned the strivers with honors.

In recent years, short videos and live broadcasts have played an increasingly important role in empowering channel operators to attract traffic and acquire customers. However, channel providers generally face problems such as high operating costs of new media, difficulty in attracting traffic and acquiring customers, lack of effective activation tools, and long conversion links.

To this end, at this summit, BANDON new media operations lecturer Huang Xiaoxue focused on introducing the operation strategies of the two major platforms Douyin and Kuaishou to channel partners. She emphasized that to win this battle for online users’ minds, we must first position ourselves, then expose, then convert, and finally complete fission. Increase account activity, improve the shooting and production methods of works, realize live streaming traffic monetization, and create new sales growth points. The platform's large and high-quality base user resources, as well as its efficient and sustainable public and private domain linkage conversion scenario capabilities, can help channel operators better acquire customers in the public domain and form a private domain accumulation.

Create high-quality products with ingenuity and build brands with quality. BANDON, which has been deeply involved in the heat pump industry for 26 years, understands this principle well and always insists on empowering high-quality development with technological innovation. At this summit, BANDON released a new series of central inverter heat pump, and Liu Ya, an engineer from the Technical Service Department, explained the new products in detail.

The new product has been completely upgraded. Its skyscraper gray European-style industrial design has a stylish appearance. It is equipped with Panasonic ultra-low temperature and high-displacement inverter compressor, double-row S-shaped corrugated high heat exchange fins and high-efficiency tank heat exchanger. It provides better heating; it adopts independent research and development. The 5th generation electronic control logic, American Sensata pressure sensor and Wi-Fi LCD smart controller provide more accurate temperature control; equipped with core components of top international brands, the high-quality heat pump comprehensively enhances the comfortable living experience. Provide strong support for BANDON to hit the market.

At this summit, BANDON Liaoning Provincial Manager Wang Bing announced multiple preferential policies, which attracted great attention from participating channel dealers. The meeting was extremely popular and good news came frequently. The convening of this summit and the policy of channel empowerment have undoubtedly injected strong impetus into BANDON's deep exploration of the Liaoning market.

In 2024, BANDON will meet the challenges with a new attitude, deeply explore the channel market, solidly implement policies, and resonate with channel partners. Stand up and break down simultaneously, and work together to support the terminal! BANDON will continue to deepen innovation, strengthen its advantages, make up for its shortcomings, pave a high-quality development path on the heat pump track, and jointly build a new format for industry development.