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China-France Energy Cooperation Opens a New Chapter

The third major nuclear power technology cooperation between China and France in 30 years marks a new chapter in nuclear energy cooperation between the world's nuclear power powers and the country with the largest nuclear power under construction in the world. In the future, Sino-French cooperation in the field of nuclear energy will be reciprocal strategic cooperation, covering areas such as closed nuclear fuel cycle reprocessing and new nuclear power reactor research and development, etc. This may change the structure of the world's nuclear power industry.

On April 25, China General Nuclear Power Group signed a joint statement on long-term cooperation with France's Areva Group and EDF. A series of documents jointly signed by the three companies stipulates that they will jointly develop advanced reactors and promote the overall safety level of the world's nuclear power industry. promote. This is the third major nuclear power technology cooperation between China and France in the past 30 years.

The above three companies signed a joint statement to strengthen long-term cooperation in advanced reactor research and development, nuclear fuel and experience sharing, nuclear power plant operation, maintenance and performance improvement. During this period, the three parties also signed a memorandum of understanding on the research and development and design of a new nuclear power reactor type in Beijing.

At present, in addition to China General Nuclear Power Group, EDF has also signed cooperation agreements with a number of other large Chinese power groups.

"The establishment of extensive and diverse cooperative relationships will help consolidate EDF's position as the preferred partner of Chinese enterprises. Through cooperation in related fields, France will achieve business breakthroughs in Asia, China and other markets around the world." EDF Vice President Mars Lu said.

China and France have a 30-year foundation for nuclear power cooperation. Since the early 1980s, EDF has been involved in the construction and operation of China's Daya Bay nuclear power project. In this cooperation 30 years later, Mars Road emphasized that EDF is the world's largest nuclear power operator and CGN The Group is the owner of the world's largest nuclear power development plan. It is necessary for the two to strengthen nuclear power exchanges and cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win results.

As of April 2013, CGN has 7 nuclear power units in operation, with a total installed capacity of 7.21 million kilowatts, accounting for 53% of the total installed nuclear power capacity in operation in mainland China; there are 15 units under construction, with a total installed capacity of 17.75 million kilowatts, accounting for 53% of the total installed capacity of nuclear power in operation in mainland China. 56% of the total nuclear power installed capacity under construction in mainland China.

Experts generally believe that from a global perspective, China is currently the largest growth point in the world's nuclear power field. It is for this reason that major developed countries, including France and the United States, are gradually lowering the political threshold for exporting nuclear power technology to China.

At present, the fourth generation reactor technology in the world is in the development stage. The high-temperature gas-cooled reactor that will be used in the Shidaowan Nuclear Power Station in Shandong, China, under construction is a fourth-generation nuclear power technology.

Data shows that France has the longest and largest nuclear power system in the world, and it also has its own technical characteristics. The joint development of new generation reactor technology between China and France may be one of the most significant events in the world's nuclear power technology field.

Currently, France is the country with the highest proportion of nuclear power in the country's total electricity in the world. There are 59 nuclear power units currently in operation, with a total installed nuclear power capacity of 66.13 million kilowatts.

The development of nuclear power in France is characterized by “steady development”. In the face of several major nuclear accidents in the world, France's determination, policies and plans to develop nuclear power have not wavered.

The French nuclear power reactor type is unified, standardized, systematic and programmed. Therefore, the French nuclear power safety approval process is relatively simple, the approval time is short, the construction cycle is short, and the cost of nuclear power is low.

In terms of technical route, French nuclear power plants adopt a closed fuel cycle, have advanced reprocessing technology, and attach great importance to the development of fast breeder reactors, striving to make full use of nuclear fuel.

France is relatively lacking in energy resources, with limited oil and natural gas reserves, and its coal resources have become exhausted. Currently, increasing the proportion of renewable energy in total energy consumption has become a priority issue for the French government when formulating relevant policies. China and France have common aspirations in embracing renewable energy and building smart grids.

In February this year, French Ministerial Secretary of State Pellerin praised China's smart grid construction in public and expressed his willingness to cooperate. Pellerin believes that there are many areas of cooperation between the two countries that need to be developed, especially in the fields of new technologies and electronics that she is responsible for. She said: "I am very interested in the 'smart grid' project that China is already building. I think that although the specific national conditions of France and China are different, this project may inspire the French and enable corresponding cooperation. Facts On the other hand, investors from both France and China can find investment opportunities in each other.”

During French President Hollande’s visit to China, the two countries issued a joint press communiqué stating that the two sides would conduct comprehensive cooperation in the field of new energy.

In recent years, the French government has actively promoted the construction of smart grids by imposing a carbon dioxide emissions tax and pledging to invest 400 million euros in the research and development of clean energy vehicles.

In addition, France plans to have wind power installed capacity reach 20 million kilowatts by 2020, an increase of 300% from the current level. Therefore, it is an inevitable choice for France to promote the construction of smart grids to better absorb clean energy.

In 2011, the French company Alstom decided to vigorously expand its smart grid business in China. Its power grid business China Technology Center has also been unveiled in Shanghai. The company stated that the opening of the China Technology Center in Shanghai is dedicated to developing new technologies for powerful smart grids. s solution.

UHV transmission technology is an important research content of China Technology Center. Alstom’s public information shows that the China Technology Center is located in Caohejing Pujiang Hi-Tech Park in Shanghai. It is an advanced R&D and testing center integrating UHV AC and UHV DC transmission equipment and energy management solutions.

Alstom Chairman and CEO Bacco Long said that the technical center has an investment of 47 million euros and will be dedicated to helping the conception of future power grid needs and the development of new solutions. The technology center is designed to accommodate ultra-large power equipment, and is also equipped with ultra-high-voltage test halls and R&D platforms, such as scientific simulation tools, artificial climate chambers, temperature rise test laboratories, materials testing laboratories, etc.

President of Alstom Grid business. cloth. Geom said that the opening of the R&D center is a key strategic move for Alstom to develop smart grid business in China. It is reported that China is an important strategic area for Alstom, and the latest international technology center in China is the company’s latest one after the Villepinte and Massy technology centers in France, the Stamford technology center in the United Kingdom, and the Redmond technology center in the United States.

Like China, in order to accelerate the advancement of smart grids, French power distribution companies will gradually replace all ordinary electricity meters currently used by residents in the country with smart meters. This energy-saving smart meter can allow customers to track their own electricity usage. And can remotely control power consumption. It is reported that the total investment in replacing smart meters is 4 billion euros.

The French power grid company also actively communicates with customers to understand their demands. French energy regulatory regulations require that users can obtain electricity consumption data from the French Grid Company on a weekly or monthly basis, or directly read metering data through remote access. To this end, France Grid has set up seven remote meter reading centers, which can aggregate data to the headquarters meter accounting and settlement system for related settlement and bill issuance processing.